What’s new in W3C ARIA 1.2 and the ARIA Authoring Practices

Jon Gunderson, Ph.D., CPWA

Coordinator of Accessible IT Group

Division of Disability Resources and Educational Services


2020 Accessing Higher Ground


November 12th, 2020



  1. Overview
  2. Describing Semantics and Behavior
  3. Standardize Information Provided to Accessibility APIs
  4. ARIA Contract with Browsers and Assistive Technologies
  5. Accessible Name Calculation
  6. Accessible Description Calculation
  7. New features in ARIA 1.2
  8. HTML harmonization
  9. Updating Global Attributes
  10. ARIA 1.2 Combobox Design Pattern
  11. Combobox Design Pattern and Examples
  12. Carousel Design Pattern and Examples
  13. ARIA DOM Properties: Setting Roles, Properties and States
  14. ARIA DOM Properties: Getting Values
  15. ARIA DOM Properties: Setting Values
  16. Test Page: .role and .aria-checked DOM properties
  17. Test Page: .ariaLabel DOM Property
  18. ARIA DOM Properties: Gotchas
  19. Harmonization of W3C Accessibility Techniques
  20. W3C ARIA Assistive Technology Project Community Group
  21. Prototype of ARIA-AT Test Harness and Test Cases
  22. Questions and Discussion