The mission of the Accessible IT Group (AITG) at DRES is to help the campus community become more inclusive to people with disabilities by making online resources more accessible. Our outreach and consulting services are designed to support you in understanding the accessibility of your online resources and help you in making resources more accessible.
It is important for AITG to learn about the online technologies being used on campus so that we can focus our limited resources to find solutions to the most pressing accessibility problems. We look forward to working with you to find effective and efficient accessibility solutions.
Technical Assistance
- Information on accessible design practices for your resource or services
- Help you work with vendors on how to improve the accessibility of the product or services
- Accessibility quality assurance (e.g. including testing with Assistive Technologies)
Accessibility Audits
- Website and application accessibility
- Documents (ie: Word, PDF, PowerPoint)
- Multimedia (ie: audio transcripts, captioning)
- Procurement (ie: purchasing, RFP)
Questions or Requests
Ask an accessibility question or request help on making electronic resources accessible.